
Monday, December 16, 2013

A whirlwind. 
That pretty much describes the last 4 weeks of our lives. 
We moved the weekend before Thanksgiving, had Thanksgiving dinner with the Wills family, and then drove to California the day after Thanksgiving to spend the weekend with my Dad's family.
I'm pretty sure the only thing that got us through the whirlwind was the AMAZING help we got from Joey's parents.
I don't think I could put into words how thankful I am for what they did and continue to do. 
They help without question and are there till the end.
They are perfect examples of unconditional love and support.

Our Thanksgiving weekend in Cali was celebrated at my Grandma Donna's house.
She has always had a big gathering the Saturday after Thanksgiving so that everyone would be able to make it. 
We hadn't been to the gathering in a few years, so it was great to visit with everyone.
Most of them were meeting our kiddos for the first time!

As soon as we got home from our weekend in Cali I busted out some major unpacking and got the house in working order. 
My ultimate goal being to get the Christmas decorations up! 

To kick off the Christmas decorating, about two weeks ago we went to Deerbrooke Farms to get our Christmas tree. 
A real tree is a must for me.
We've been going to Deerbrooke Farms for a few years now, but not until this year did I know that the owner goes up to Utah and hand picks EVERY tree! 
I had wondered all these years how he always had such perfect trees...

 Christmas is only a week away and I am amazed at how much has happened in just four weeks. I am so happy with where we are. 
Moving was stressful, but now that the dust has settled I know that we are exactly where we should be.
We absolutely love our new house.
 AND...I am super excited to be hosting Christmas dinner this year!! 
It's going to be great.

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