
Monday, June 1, 2015

This morning my spin instructor read us some words of wisdom about gratitude. 
He said that if we keep focusing on what we wish our life was or wish for all the things we don't have negativity will continue to follow us. 
But once we focus on all the wonderful simple things in our life (food, family, friends) and feel gratitude towards them, then positivity will radiate throughout our life. 

I know this is a simple concept, but one that I needed hear to this morning. 
It brought tears to my eyes as it radiated into some feelings I had been harboring.
With the news yesterday of some positive changes possibly happening in the near future I found myself pretty darn fearful of them and focusing on all the possible negative aspects.
I was focusing on what could go wrong or the worst possible scenarios.

After hearing those words of wisdom I felt a calmness come over my feelings as I was simpl
 reminded to focus on the positive and what is meant to happen will.

That if I put my trust in God, all things will work out the way they are supposed to whether they align with what we desire or not.

Good things are to come, and in the mean time I will simply "let go" of my anxiety like my little Bellamy so coincidentally started singing to me in a moment of nervousness yesterday.  

I will focus on feeling gratitude towards the now and allow the pieces of our life to fall into place.

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